miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2009



Una lagrima cayendo
Lentamente se desprende
Sin sonido
De mi mirada que te ve partir
Tras esa flor que tratamos de
Revivir con ilusión y mi mente trastornó
No pudo tener un final lindo …así.
Esa gota se transforma en hielo
Mis manos temblorosas
Te sueltan entre rosas
En un camino que cruzaras al irte
Enmudeciendo la intención

En la noche leyendo tus cartas
Que mandabas
Llenas de ilusión cuando preguntabas
Y te miraba entre líneas
Dibujando tu chispa pegada a mi sonrisa
Se terminó
Entre carentes y perplejas hojas
De esta estación
Donde la línea de mi vida
En este punto concluyo
Lo mejor en tu adiós

Ya te vas
Y no puedo decir nada
Solo el rio habla
El sol me quema
Y el viento suena
Así me quedo sin ti.
Preguntándome que sigue en mí


En una carta encontré
Lo mejor de mí
Leyendo un adiós
una lágrima resbalo
Dentro de mi alegría
Encontré dolor….amándonos me dejo
Destrozando mi corazón,
Alegrándoselo a Dios

Te vas
Pero en mi te quedas
Contigo se va mi más ferviente cariño
Te dejo partir
No porque lo quiera
Sino porque la vida así lo quiso
Con la seguridad
De que en otro momento
Tu compañía estará conmigo
Mi historia de amor le llamo
En tan solo dos anos
Viví lo que jamás olvido
Tu corazón y tu cuerpo juntos
Con lo más bello del camino
Con tu aroma me quede
Impactado como un niño
Mi alma y la tuya
Se han tatuado con un tinto
Se transmiten en el tiempo,
A pesar de su capricho,
En el viento estas en el ,
Cuando menos pienso…
Ya estaré contigo!

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


Espero que este video sirva de reflexion y ayude un poco a crear conciencia en las personas..Gracias por permitirme entrar en sus sentidos, al escuchar los poemas,estoy tratando de poner imagenes donde podamos reflejarnos hasta donde pueden llegar los demas o hasta donde estamos dispuestas a poner limites?? La violencia no es solo parte de una vida llena de golpes. El maltrato fisico es una muestra de violencia palpable y dolorosa en el momento, pero tambien la violencia psicologica puede tener mas repercuciones en nuestra armonia como mujeres, Nuestra autoestima se baja, caemos en situaicones de culparnos nosotras mismas por todo lo que sucede alrededor nuestro, y no asumimos el rol que debemos.. Madre, mujer, hija. tranquilamente.. siempre nuestro objetivo estara en el que nos agrede constantemente con voz, hasta que logra penetrar en nuesto inconciente. No dejemos que eso pase, atrevete a pensar que vales mas de lo que piensas, si es tu caso, tu eres valiiosa tan solo por ser ser humano.. Pero antes de toda accion, empieza por ti.

De quien nos tenemos que cuidar mas? del hombre, de las personas o de ti misma?

Ya he comunicado la necesidad de una armonia en nuestra vida, y mas aun cuando tenemos hijos a quien transmitimos como ser mas cercano, nuestras angustias, nuestra irresponsabilidad de seres humanos. A nadie le gusta vivir con un ser llenos de angustias que transmitimos por efecto , todo lo que somos, y los primeros que absorven todo, son nuestros hijos.Cuestion que un dia me puse a pensar cuando mire las lagrimas de mi nina, No sabia que tenia, de ahi nacio esta poesia y este video poema,. Tengo tantos deshaciertos como lo dicen las poesias. Soy tan solo un ser humano , y por ello no nos debemos avergonzar sino sentirnos comodas sabiendo que tambien padecemos muchas lo mismo, Al final todas somos mujeres, madres e hijas..
Pero la diferencia esta .. Hasta cuando asumiremos positivamente nuestros errores para poder dirigir las caritas de angustias en nuestros hijos.
Mujer quierete!.. solo asi transmitiras ese amor a tus hijos.
Recuerda de nada vale decir un Te quiero , si dandote la vuelta dejas que te maltraten a ti, demostrando la falta de respeto a ti misma.. No lo hagas por bien de tus hijos o hijas.

martes, 8 de diciembre de 2009



Una navidad llena de amor
Lo deseo… yo!
Amor que supere el dinero
Que garantice el abrazo sincero
Que pase a través de un sueño
Perdurando con el tiempo

Navidad feliz!
El regalo más preciado para ti
El bosquejo de una sonrisa
Obsequio perfecto para tu familia
Palabras de alientos llenas de esperanza
Para calmar al amigo su sufrimiento!
Una voluntad diferente
Dejando atrás la pasada
Si tenía luz tenue
Capaz de mirar a la gente
Con matiz de amabilidad en la frente

A los niños mas desprotegidos
Darles un alma con cobijo y sin olvido
Cuando se rían veremos que nuestro deseo
No ha quedado en el olvido
La mejor de todas
Que quede grabada
Con mucho fervor en nuestro interior

Brindemos en nuestras casas
Con cariño salud y con entrañas
Querernos como se debe
Sin lastimar a quien no se merece

Navidad feliz! Amigos mios
Que todo sea feliz en sus preciadas vidas
Tus ilusiones serán mi alegría
Cuando se conviertan en tu dicha
La mía, está contigo!
Sabiendo que eres mi compañía
Agraciada yo! tener un amigo como tu
Así brindare, porque fui bendecida
Desde el inicio de mi vida

Navidad feliz a nuestros queridos padres
Los admiramos todo el tiempo
A pesar de sus aprendizajes e intentos
Supieron levantarnos con el tiempo
Me hicieron merecedores de nuestros lamentos
Nos guiaron con su ejemplo
A todos les deseo…..
Los mejores momentos
Cerrando sus ojos que obtengan
Lo que han deseado con alma y en silencio
El recuerdo mas tierno!

EMPIEZA! Diana Ríos

Con el año que empieza escribo mi futuro,
Con el año que pasa,
Queda atrás mi mundo absurdo,
Con el año que se va, se irán mis pesadillas
Y maravillas en mis futuras alegrías

Dejo de mirar melancolía
Levanto mi cara al sol cuando se asoma
Reflejando lo que llega
Y lo de atrás que no perdona

Mis propósitos son de hoy en adelante
Ser la mujer que se aprecia en su viaje
Visualizarme grandiosa
Que no detenga más mi despegar
Actuando con honestidad

En el año viejo dejo atrás
Recuerdos para mejorar
Sin cargar su pesada oscuridad

Dejo que el sol me guíe con amor
Que todo lo bello de la flor
Me la ponga alguien sin condición

Segura que viene con buen propósito
Aquel que desde años mi vida atrapó
Acordando lo que sucedió
Aceptar un susurro con pasión

Inolvidable será,
No afectando… el que pasara?
La esperanza y oportunidad en mi predomina
Dibujando una cara feliz caminando junto a mi vida
Formando un relato
Seguridad de agrado y paz

Gracias a mi año nuevo
A verme feliz y cambiar mi mente
Con imaginación de ser congruente

Sueños viejos los dejo…espero felicidaD
Sorpresas para no olvidar
Lo que paso fue para aprender a valorar
Ahora tomare mi copa de Champaign
Gritare “Feliz Año nuevo”
Con el llegaras mandado por Dios
La divina coincidencia
Con su intención

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2009






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You can buy the book at.. www.amazon.com
order the book and they send you!

The Baja Poets OUR BOOK

Out of that group we stared in 2008 Baja Poets’ Society which has a monthly poetry event. The Workshop, which meets each Thursday at Cactus Café in Playas de Rosarito, Baja California


Diana Rios was born in the country of Mexico. She studied at the E.N.U.F.E school in Mexicali, Baja California, where I earned my degree in 1982 as an educator teaching kindergarten. Throughout this time, Diana continued learning about the interesting world of young adults and children. She also studied law at U.A.B.C and at Montgomery College in San Diego.
Diana always been dedicated to art, and a few years ago have focused on my poetry and writing. I have two unpublished books of poetry, named EL GRITO DEL CORAZON Y LA VIDA POR MIS OJOS Y PALABRAS , and am working a children’s book

1. Elemento Viento *SP 298
The Silent Wind *ENG 299
2. Mar *SP 304
3. Cuchillo *SP 306
4. El Brillo de Mis Ojos *SP 308
Apple of My Eyes *ENG 309
5. Lucha *SP 312
Fight *ENG 313
6. La Luz de Mi Alma *SP 316
Light of My Soul *ENG 317
7. Pantano *SP 322
8. Recuerdos *SP 324
9. No Me Duele *SP 326
10. Instinto *SP 330
11. Que Culpa? *SP 332
12. Uno de Esos Dias *SP 336
One of Those Days *ENG 337
13. Noche *SP 340

Copyright 2009 Diana Rios
All rights reserved


You are the element of the earth
Where I have found-the most profound
Destiny…for me
Knowing you exist
And arrive in my life…invisible.

With all my love I beg you-
Show me the best way
To get into his mind…
I want to be his lover
And tell him with all my heart…I’m waiting.

I don’t know his appearance, nor his smile
I only know his soul.
Share with me, do it.

Oh wind…my loyal friend,
Always, I admire you and feel you.
When you are gone...don’t leave me
I need your presence in my path

Magnify me with his heart
The one who will love me fearless…
Lead him to me to give him
All my feelings-all my soul.
With everything I offer….I will make him smile.

Of all the elements of earth
Fire, water, wind and soil
You are the one with me always,
Arriving even at my house
Unable to catch you with my eyes.

You saw him already…
But are making me suffer
Without his caressing my body
And without his form in my bed.

You are enjoying him already and keep silent.
Give me a signal…I am anxious,
I feel him, perceive him and know him to be near.
Give me a sign of his presence,
I want to feel him and have him
As an existence in my life.
Tell him-don’t be afraid…
He is everything I have been waiting for
For sure, with me…he’ll be…eternally happy
Maybe hearing my words
He’ll question my heart.
But dear wind-don’t keep us apart
Please give us a chance…I want to taste romance.

I don’t want to wait anymore-
I deserve a sign that it’s him.
With him our love
Will be as endless and timeless
As you-the wind.


Marsh Cassady is the author of fifty-two published books including novels, true crime, biography, collections of short stories and haiku, and books on theatre. His plays have been widely performed in the U.S. and in Mexico. A former actor/director and university professor, he has a Ph.D. degree in theatre and has taught various creative writing courses at UCSD and elsewhere. A former small press publisher, he has been editor of three magazines and a literary journal, Crazyquilt. Visit: http://marshcassady.com

Jo Ann Chase is a marketing and advertising professional and has used her writing talents creating advertising copy and marketing plans. She has written poems for her own pleasure off and on since she was in her teens.
Her friend, Alice Donenfeld, dared her to submit a poem for this book. The little ditty was inspired when one her cats exhibited a taste for bacon and eggs at a recent breakfast.
Jo Ann moved to Rosarito Beach, MX from Sonoma, California in.2005. She is sales manager for a Serena Senior Care, a Rosarito health care company.

Lynn Doiron is the recipient of California State University, Sacramento’s Dominic J. Bazzanella Awards in the areas of fiction and expository prose. Her first book length collection of poetry, hand wording, appeared in November, 2006. Her work has appeared in various literary journals and anthologies, most recently in Nimrod, University of Oklahoma, Tulsa. Lynn currently lives and writes from Baja California, Mexico, and especially enjoys the ease and openness of her Rosarito neighbors who daily exhibit a gladness, regardless of hardships.

Alice Donenfeld-Vernoux, a veteran in the entertainment business as attorney, producer, distributor, consultant and consistent exhibitor in the global television arena. She has been involved in all phases of show business from Broadway to New Media for over 40 years.
Currently she is finishing her memoir, “Behind the Spandex, Globetrotting with Superheroes” spanning her long career in the entertainment business dealing with superstars the likes of “Spiderman,” “He Man” and “the Masters of the Universe,” “Fat Albert” and “the Cosby Kids,” “Zorro,” “She-Ra” and “The Incredible Hulk.”
Her website www.CurmudgeonGal.com, her pod casts CurmudgeonGal can be found on iTunes, Libsyn and iWeb.

Jacquelynne Garner native San Diegan, has come to Baja all her life and has lived on the ocean in Rosarito, full or part time for decades. Her life has been her art, writing, theosophical and other "secret knowledge" studies, dancing, singing and her more than twenty years as a lawyer.
Stories of her animals–horses roaming the hills; her pup, Bunny; Katharine, the cat, to whom she is allergic; and her Macaw, Sami, whose vocabulary is monumental and can not only sing and compose in her voice–have appeared in several issues of Baja Times.

J. Leslie Boffa-Goodhue headed after Art School North to Alaska with her two sons and had a fascinating career doing everything from murals to advertising and found the most satisfying work with the native Alaskans doing illustrations for the bilingual books hoping to help save the local languages.
Now settled in San Antonio del Mar, J.Leslie finds Mexico very creatively stimulating and the society eclectic. “I love the pace" she says as she works on paintings and other projects, "there is finally time to write and relax, no more deadlines!"

Eimi E. Isaka born in 1928 in Japan received Masters Degree in educational psychology from Kansei Gãkuin University in1965 and in Chicago at the Loyola University a master’s degree in general education. She was a corporate secretary for 22 years for Mitsui & Co/Inc., Los Angeles.
Since 1981 Eimi has written regularly for several Japanese magazines. The winner of two Japanese writing awards, she is the author of two books, The Blue Pot, a novel published in English, and The Grey Eyes, a book of Japanese poetry. The former waspublished in 1989, the latter in 1998.

Jim Kitchen is one of four founders of the School of Public Administration and Urban Studies at San Diego State, and co author of The Metropolitan Coast and How the Cities Grew. Jim was co-editor and co-founder of Los Hombres Press and Crazyquilt Quarterly. He has published poetry and has written a holocaust biography, Because of Romek.

Harald Erik Josua Lankisch was born on June 3, 1957 in Germany. He studied in 1989 video production in San Diego, where Harald wrote a film script “My Choice”, which was turned into a short movie in 1993.
He worked behind the camera, edited weddings, promotion. and acted in commercials. In 1997 he worked as an extra and had a small non-speaking part with Billy Zane in “Titanic”.
Harald started writing poetry in 1998. His poetry is very involved with the meaning of life and his philosophical outlook is influenced by his European background. He self published a CD of 12 poems called “CHECKMATE”. (lankischharald@yahoo.com)

The Black Rose
by Harald E. J. Lankisch

On the way home in Tijuana
I pass a family
with two little kids
acting silly
on the street corner.
In dirty clothes and barefoot,
searching all day
for money and food.
Father’s eyes reveal sadness
and I feel sorry,
parent’s constant worry,
hard to manage day by day.

Without my children and loving wife
I contemplate my life.
The sorrow I held
and the anger I felt.
We couldn’t escape crumbled family;
money power implanted the seed,
the social struggle against greed.
For our children we must fight
and I have to write
about their sadness out of sight!
Nothing more left but my strong will
and a big chill.

A thought goes through my mind,
an image of an Ethiopian mother
holding a small body, bone and skin,
a parent’s undernourished child.
I never will forget her face,
the fire in her eyes burns wild.
A black rose on the white coffin;
hunger and death grows a flower
of sadness within.
Back home feeling the warm sunrays,
at my window I plant a flower
in the ceramic pot,...I add some soil.

April 14, 2009

Harald Max Reinhard Lankisch born in Memel at the Baltic Ocean Memelland-Lithuania on April 14, 1926. He studied diploma agricultural engineer in Germany. Between 1955 and 1957 Harald was a teacher at the Imperial College of Ethiopia. From 1957 to 1964 he owned a trade firm in Germany. Between 1964 and 1968 Harald was a director in a Research Institute for agriculture construction. As Adviser for Farmers he worked in the agriculture department from 1968 to 1985.
Harald was always intrigued in different cultures on his travels and has a special interest in poetry and memoirs.

Elizabeth Libel native of Poland, became a professional actress at the age of 20, immigrated to the US and was a Guest Star on TV shows: “Jag,” “Silk Stockings.” Elizabeth appeared recently on “Monk” and “Starter wife,” including the important features "Trade” with Kevin Klein and “Body Shots.”
Her passion for writing began in her early youth; her first poem was published in 1976. She is co-founder of a Polish American Group in LA. In 2007 she was a columnist for the Baja Times Newspaper.
With her husband Carlos Velasco Elizabeth prepares two individual bodies of poetry/prose, recording her first poetry and music CD “Confessions”.

Ron Raposa spent more than 20 years as a journalist in the United States and two in Saudi Arabia, after a brief stint as a high school English teacher. He has lived in Rosarito Beach the past four years, where he does public relations work for the city. Writing has been an almost lifelong love and pursuit.

Francisco Olmos Saldivar, was born December 11, 1933 in the State of Zatatecas Mexico. In the early 1950’s he married Anna Maria Romelia Jauregui in Tijuana B.C Mexico. He worked in Los Angeles California 35 years and retired to Rosarito Baja California.
Francisco has two sons, two daughters, Maria Teresa a Chemist, Francisco a business man, Rosa a Bilingual Secretary and Victor a Medical Doctor.
He finished written his Memoir’s in the year 2000 with the help of her daughter Maria Teresa. Dedicate his book to his family chaired his experience and wrote to each one of them a message of love.

Maria Teresa Olmos Jauregui De Lira was born in Tijuana Baja California Mexico. She has a Ph.D. in Chemistry, first generation graduate at U.A.B.C. University in Baja California. She concludes her studies for a MD in Medical and Clinical Hypnotherapy. An entrepreneur and philanthropist, dedicates her spare time developing social projects in favor of the community true Rotary International.
Her first publication was The Baja Times. Tere co-authored the autobiography of her in 2000; she was a contributor to the anthology, “Mujeres Fronterizas” , and “Tails from the Baja Writers Workshop” in 2008. (olmostere@hotmail.com)

Joel Guerrero Pimentel is an architect, Author, painter, and former teen gang counselor who reside in Rosarito Beach, Baja California. Joel is of Portuguese and Mexican ancestry and is a 3rd generation native Californian.
His writing includes: The Baja Blues ~ El Viejo and the Boy ~ El Californio (screenplay) The Nicaraguan Blues ~ The Great Central Valley Blues ~ Los Viejos Portuguese ~ The Chicano Bible Stories ~ Los Viejos Californios (memoir) ~ and numerous short stories.

Diana Rios was born in the country of Mexico. She studied at the E.N.U.F.E school in Mexicali, Baja California, where I earned my degree in 1982 as an educator teaching kindergarten. Throughout this time, Diana continued learning about the interesting world of young adults and children. She also studied law at U.A.B.C and at Montgomery College in San Diego.
Diana always been dedicated to art, and a few years ago have focused on my poetry and writing. I have two unpublished books of poetry, named EL GRITO DEL CORAZON, LA VIDA POR MIS OJOS Y PALABRAS Y LA REALIDAD DE MIS SENTIMIENTOS , and am working a children’s book.

Carlos Velasco, musician, composer, songwriter and singer was born in Mexico D.F. 46 years ago in a family with long traditions of music and art.
He attended the "Music Conservatory" in Mexico City on guitar, piano, voice, violoncello and flute.
He moved to Los Angeles CA. and performed at venues, concerts, solo acts for almost 15 years in US. One of the most important appearances was playing as a soloist Flamenco guitar with Oscar Winner Yuval Ron and his Ensemble.
Carlos recorded his own 3 CDs with original compositions, playing guitar, piano and singing in several languages.

Henry Zavala 1939-2009
Henry was a kind, funny, charming, quirky friendly and loving man. He was multi-talented; a skilled artist, linguist, movie buff, artisan, animal lover, businessman, craftsman, salesman and poet. He loved both his friends and his family unconditionally and took great pride in his son Sean.
The joy he took in living spilled out to everyone he came in contact with. His sunny disposition will be missed. Rest in peace friend.

SELECCIONADA PARA antologia "Livre Pensar Literário en BRASIL"

Aqui veremos a bela apresentação do projeto "Livre Pensar Literário" pela excelente escritora poetisa Diana Rios, da cidade de Baixa Califórnia, no México. Com sua generosidade "hermana" aponta qualidades de um projeto que se caracteriza pelo vencer obstáculos e fronteiras. O grande contributo da palavra é esse. Nesta edição quer revelar seus "Retratos Literários", é a caracterização de uma alma em transcendência . Convido a todos ler e mergulhar neste universo de sensibilidade e brilho. Sua colaboração veio com o poema "Estella", poema de fácil leitura e compreensão, mas de agudo sentimento e sensibilidade. Bem-vinda, Diana Gracias por su participación en la antologia "Livre Pensar Literário"

Bruno Resende Ramos ha sembrado en mi, una oportunidad de reafirmar, que la literatura no tiene límites ni fronteras, dándome la oportunidad de plasmar mis “Retratos Literarios” Agradeciendo su proyecto y a él específicamente en acrecentar la cultura expandiendo diferentes estilo de escribir y de promover el fomento al arte. Gracias… Bruno Resende Ramos. La nueva Antología Literario “Livre pensar Literario” de la Nova Coletanea está promovida por el grupo de escritores cooperados en Brasil, EUA y Argentina con algunos ayuntamientos fronterizos. En esta III edición el profesor Bruno Resende Ramos se encarga de la organización con la colaboración del editor Edir Barbosa de la ciudad Vicosa. Seguem abaixo os nomes dos autores e suas respectivas OBRAS selecionadas para a edição do livro "Livre Pensar Literário".

Se seu nome não está na lista entrar em contato, urgentemente, para correção do sumário que vai compor a antologia. Grato pela paciência e espírito cooperativo daqueles que deram sua parcela de contribuição para tornar mais esse feito uma realidade. Foram encaminhados os textos para a diagramação como informado

1.- Crepe da China – Cirene Ferreira Alves

2.- Poderosos Palradores – Constança Chaves

3.- Avesso – Rozimar Gomes

4.- O Poder de Ouvir – Flávia Simplicio

5.= Alma em Vitral - Maria Geilza

6.- Pensamento à toa - Júlio de Castro Paixão

7.- Tereza - Cirene Ferreira Alves

8.- Cidade de Pedras - Íris Maikon

9.- Verso Calado - Soninha Porto

10.-A Lógica da Plataforma Eleitoral - Fernando Soares Campos

11.-A Geografia da Língua Portuguesa - Neri França

12.-Desde os Idos da Torre de Babel - J. Levy

13.-A Lenda do Olho D'água - Júnior Fonseca

14.-Tristeza & Borboleta - Marla Rebel

15.-Abandonada - Suely Ribella Lima

16.-Procuras - Soninha Porto

17.-Minicontos à beira-mar - Wilson Gorj

18.-Se Eu Fosse e Pudesse - Rozimar Gomes

19.-Cuida-te de Ti - Íris Maikon

20.- 1A Gaveta Assassina – Aristides Ferreira Filho

21.- Misteriosa Arte - Ângelo José de Carvalho

22.- O Crucificado - Dora Dimolitsas

23.-A Prostituta - Cilla Adriana Alves

24.-Visitinhas de Dona Zefa - Maria Angélica

25.-Palavras - Auricélio Silvestre dos Santos

26.-Tau - Júnior Fonseca

27.-Arte de Viver - Flávia Simplicio

28.-Celebração - Suely Ribella Lima

29.-Sabrina Tentando Sobreviver - Mariano P. Sousa

30.-Purpurina - Carla Ivana

31.-Mentiras - Suely Ribella Lima

32.-Dor de Amor - Renata Ragagnin

33.-Para um Mundo Melhor - Flávia Simplicio

34.-Filha da Lua - Ivaneti Nogueira

35.-Espelho de Riacho - Júnior Fonseca

36.-O Baú das Canções Celestinas - Edir Resende

37.-Um Dia na Roça - Ângela Togueiro

38.-Velho Jornal de Amanhã - Herbert Sena Silva

39.-Lembranças dos Solitários Sonhos Póstumos - Íris Maikon

40.=Minicontos à beira-rio - Wilson Gorj

41.=Saudades de Minha Casa - Íris Maikon

42.=Razão - Flávia Simplicio

43.-Menino Aquário - Juan Guinot

44.-Tempo - Maria Geilza

45.-O Catador - Roberto Siuves

46.-O Boi, a Estrada e o Berrante Bravo - José Mauro

47.-Quando Você se Foi - Íris Maikon

48.-A Caminho do Martírio - Samuel C. Costa

49.-A Natureza - Júlia de Freitas

50.-Amor Sincero - Osvaldo Lima da Silva

51.-Enquanto a Luz se Vai Acesa... - Iasmine Zaidan

52.=Saudades do Pai Amado - José Mauro

53.-Beco sem Saída - Adérito Mazive

54.-O Menino do Futuro - Dhiego José Caetano

55.-Seja como for - Flávia Simplicio

56.-O Encontro - Heraldo Jannotti

57.-A Química em Minha Vida – Josimar Santos

58.=O Dono da Clepsidra - Juan Guinot

59.-Contrato do Relacionamento Perfeito – Marla Rebel

60.=Niñez Mancillada - (Zeltia Gaias) Sandra Rey Mosteiro

61.-A Caminhada Interrompida - Mariano P. Sousa

62.-Estella - Diana Rios

63.-Mktlove - Juan Guinot

64.-Eu, Navegante - Valdeck Almeida de Jesus

65.-Senhora - Carlos Conrado

66.-Introduction of Maya's Universe - Maya Murofushi

67.-Eu Vi – Bruno Resende Ramos

68.-Sustentabilidade - Bruno Resende Ramos